This page will walk you through all the files and your first time running the game.
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Running Dexflow

Your folder will now look something like this:

Filesystem screenshot

Let’s briefly go over the files and folders:

  • game: Folder that houses the framework code. You won’t have to interact with this unless you want to do crazy stuff.
  • lib: Irrelevant.
  • resources: Folder that houses all the resources of the game: art, sound, animations etc.
  • world: Folder that houses information specific to LDTK.
  • autotile_reformat.bat: Tool that allows you to translate Essentials Autotiles into Ulix Autotiles.
  • compile_world.bat: Tool that compiles any new changes you made to the world in LDTK to Ulix.
  • develop.bat: Shortcut for first compiling the world and afterwards playing the game.
  • game.exe: Your game!
  • python3.dll: Irrelevant.
  • python38.dll: Irrelevant
  • streamingsave.usave: The current savegame. Delete if you want to start the playthrough over.
  • world.ldtkc: Compiled version of the LDTK world (generated via compile_world.bat).

Playing your game for the first time

Before you can run your game, you need to compile the game world (ldtk world). You can do this by running compile_world.bat. Afterwards, play your game by running game.exe.