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The following pages and posts are tagged with

Connecting an Instance Page Build a functional house.
Your first level Page Let's build our first level!
Installation Page This page will walk you through the installation and configuration process required to getting started with Ulix Dexflow.
Introduction to Layers Page Introduces the concept of layers.
Types of Layers Page Goes over all the different types of layers.
The LDTK Cheat Sheet Page Press H to invoke the LDTK cheat sheet.
Navigating LDTK Page Introduces the main navigation elements in LDTK.
Opening LDTK for the first time Page This page walks you through the first time you open LDTK.
Running Dexflow Page This page will walk you through all the files and your first time running the game.
Visiting our tree Page Let's view our first level in-game!
Introduction to UPL Page Introduces the actions language of Ulix Dexflow: UPL
Prefabs Page How to smartly use more complicated UPL.
Prefabs Page How to save global variables with UPL.
UPL Syntax Page Introduces the syntax of UPL
Triggers Page How to make your UPL code happen in game!