This page will walk you through the installation and configuration process required to getting started with Ulix Dexflow.
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Getting Dexflow

1. Join our Discord

First, you should join our discord community. Here you can ask around for suggestions or help, give feedback, and perhaps most of all, download the framework.

2. Download the framework from Discord

In the downloads channel, you’ll be able to find several download links:

  • Windows? Download a release tagged with Windows.
  • Linux or Mac? We are currently working on supporting these systems. Please stay tuned!
  • Alternatively, if you know what you are doing, you can work directly from source. We do not provide instructions for this (as you should not go down this route without knowing what to do), but feel free to drop a question on Discord if you need further assistance.

3. Extract the framework somewhere nice

Whether you just want to play around with the framework or are on the start of your journey to create the next best game, you definitely should unpack the framework in a sensible location. I personally recommend making a projects folder somewhere nice, such as in your documents folder, and extracting Dexflow to a folder named after your project (e.g. eclipse if that were to be the name of your project). Just as with Essentials you are going to modify an existing project and thus will need multiple instances of Dexflow for multiple projects.

4. Download the editor (LDTK)

The Level Designer Toolkit, or LDTK in short, is the program you’ll be crafting your game in. This program needs to be installed, so just follow the installer and you should be good.