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The following pages and posts are tagged with

AddItem Page Add an item to the inventory.
AddMember Page Add a battler to the party roster.
Ask Page Ask a multiple choice question.
Battle Page Start a battle.
CheckCollision Page Check collision at position.
Cinematic Page Set the game to cinematic mode.
Concat Page Concatenates parameters into a string.
CountItem Page Counts how many the player has of an item.
Debug Page Display given parameter in the console.
Encounter Page Start an encounter battle.
Face Page Face the user towards the given direction.
Fade Page Fades the screen to black.
FlushTiles Page Revert all tiles in the given layer to transparent.
GetEntities Page Retrieve a list of all entities with substring in their UID.
GetTile Page Retrieve id of tile at given position.
IsEntity Page Check whether an entity with given uid exists.
Jump Page Jump up and down.
Length Page Returns the length of the parameter.
Manhattan Page Calculates the Manhattan distance between two points.
Move Page Move to the specified location
MoveTo Page Move one tile next to the specified location
Music Page Play music.
Overworld Page Set the game to overworld mode.
Portal Page Portals the user to the specified location in a different map.
Prompt Page Retrieve text input from the player.
Push Page Pushes a pillar, making the pillar fall down if above a gap.
Random Page Retrieves a random number between 0 and 1.
RemoveItem Page Removes an item from the inventory.
ResetLocalEncounters Page Reset local encounters, reverting back to level-wide encounters.
RestoreParty Page Fully restores the player's party.
Say Page Say some lines of text.
SetLocalEncounters Page Set local encounters, overriding level-wide settings.
SetMovement Page Set the movement type of the user.
SetTile Page Set the tile at specified position.
Shop Page Open a shop.
Sound Page Play a sound effect.
Step Page Take a step in the specified direction.
Storage Page Opens the battler storage.
Teleport Page Teleports the user to the specified location in a different map.
Unfade Page Unfades the screen.
UpdateTiles Page Task the renderer to redraw given layer.
Wait Page Pause action execution.
Users & Objects Page The objects you can interact with in-game and how to use them